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What are the advantages of a logo? What are the points to keep in mind?

A logo is the face and symbol of a company or event. It should create a good impression of the company and convey the nature of its business to others. The logo should reflect the company’s management philosophy and principles. In the case of an event, it should also reflect the theme of the event. Creating a logo with an easy idea in mind will bring the company into disrepute. There are many benefits to creating a logo.


What are the benefits of creating a logo?


First, it makes it easier for people to remember your company. It is difficult to be remembered if the company name is just written. A logo will have a stronger impact and will be more memorable. It can also be expected to improve morale within the company, clarify unity of purpose, and enhance the spirit of solidarity.

A logo mark is engraved with a company’s management philosophy and history. The meaning of the logo mark will help you to understand what kind of company it is. However, if the design is too complicated, it will not accurately convey the company’s intentions. It is important to convey the company’s image from a third party’s perspective.


Putting the story into the logo


The most important thing to remember when creating a logo is to create a story. The story behind the logo directly relates to the gravity of the company’s image. If you can organize your management principles and philosophy and put them into your logo, you will be able to give a strong and positive impression to others.

It is also important for a logo mark to be adaptable to various situations. Even a brightly colored logo may need to be presented in black and white in some cases. If the logo is not impressive enough, it will be unreliable as the face of the company. Think of a logo that will leave a strong impression no matter what the situation.

Each color has its own theme. For example, red is passionate, blue is cool, and yellow is lively. Each color has its own associations. When deciding on a color for your logo, choose carefully. (By the way, red and blue are by far the most common colors used in corporate logos.)

When deciding on a font for the logo, be careful of rights issues when using an existing one. It would be a disaster if your company’s symbolic logo infringes on the rights of another company. Make sure that there are no problems by thoroughly researching the rights.

A logo mark represents the company’s management philosophy. If employees do not know the meaning of the logo mark, a third party will judge that they do not understand the company’s management philosophy. It is unlikely that you will lose business with them for that reason alone, but a bad impression is inevitable. Make sure that the meaning of your company’s logo is well known.

In some cases, the logo itself is meaningless. In some cases, the logo itself may have no meaning because the company has a short history or did not have enough time to create a logo, so the design was tentative and has remained in use. In such cases, we should propose that the logo be redesigned. The logo is the symbol of the company. If the symbol remains undecided or tentative, it is as if the core of the company is missing. A well-considered logo will be the mainstay of the company and unify the feelings of employees.


What are the rights of logo design?


A complex logo design will be less likely to resemble other companies’ logos, while a simple design is more likely to be similar, making it more difficult to create originality. When deciding on a logo, it is necessary to check for similar designs to be sure.

If you have a logo design that you really want to use and you want to insist that it is original, one way is to consult a patent attorney. Copyright and trademark rights are quite complicated. There are cases where rights arise unexpectedly and violate copyright or trademark rights, and conversely, there are cases where you think you are infringing copyright or trademark rights, but when you actually consult with a patent attorney, he or she may determine that you are not violating them. Even experts sometimes find it difficult to judge copyright and trademark issues.

While copying an existing design is not allowed, there may be times when an original creation happens to match. If it is a good design, you should consult a patent attorney before rejecting it.


In summary, there are numerous advantages to creating a well-designed logo for a company or event. A logo can improve brand recognition and help to convey the company’s management philosophy and principles to customers and employees. When designing a logo, it’s essential to keep in mind the importance of creating a story and ensuring that the design accurately reflects the company’s image and values. The color and font choice should also be carefully considered, and potential rights issues should be thoroughly researched to avoid any legal problems. If there is uncertainty about the originality of a design, it is best to consult a patent attorney. Overall, a well-considered logo can serve as a symbol of the company’s identity and unify the feelings of employees.

